The Hernandez Family

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Growing Like a Weed!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Yes- it was February

As you can tell, it has been a while since our last post. So sorry (mom) but I've not been feeling well. I have had a sinus infection for about a month, and it just won't go away! I have been so dizzy and out of it, that it really was affecting my day to day life. I went to the doctor three times before he gave me antibiotics, and then things started to clear up. I'm still dizzy at times, but have learned to adjust and move in certain ways to keep things stable.

Other than that- things have been great! Ascher has become more of a handful, always wanting my attention! He has learned that he has an opinion, and doesn't always have to do what he is told. So, it's been fun trying to get him to do things. He learned the word "NO" recently, and now uses it all of the time- FUN! He also is learning to pick out what he wears....can you tell? I thought it was fun, and it was really fun to see the imagination kick in. He crawled around the house roaring and having fun, and even played outside for a few minutes dressed like that. Immer didn't beleive it until he got home and saw Ascher eating a snack.

I unfortuantely haven't been at work much since I've been sick.....which is sad. I miss getting out of the house and having a little "me" time away from the boys. But I'm now back and working! Things are slow at the store, but hopefully will be picking up once Spring comes and stays. Immer has been working like a crazy person, and sometimes its hard when you go a few days without seeing him. But he's keeping his clients happy, and they are paying him, so I'm really not complaining too much. He also joined a new pool league closer to home, and they have high hopes for a great season with new people.


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