The Hernandez Family

Here's a wonderful site for our friends and family to see what's happening here in Round Lake! Hope you enjoy!

Growing Like a Weed!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Walking like an Elephant

Last night, Ascher started lifting himself up onto all fours, and somewhat started to crawl/walk around. It was really funny to watch him do this. He gets a kick out of himself, and usually falls laughing. He is getting his other front teeth in, which is really fun. School is back in session, and the neighborhood has quieted down. Immer is still working very hard, and is looking forward to relaxing in the next year or two. Me, I'm still working hard on the weekends, and trying to stay busy during the week. I'm starting to itch for some redecorating, and my bedroom seems to be it. So we will see what happens on Monday, since Immer will be off! Well, I think that's it, so have a great weekend!


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