The Hernandez Family

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Growing Like a Weed!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

Sunday we had a pretty busy day! We headed to G-Gma's house for Easter Lunch. Ascher enjoyed eating with his cousins and sharing his toys, cookies and jellybeans with everybody.

Ascher really liked hanging out with the babies too! He was sharing his eggs and sared them with his new dinosaur. Ascher also had fun with the Easter Egg Hunt! He got quite a few eggs and couldn't wait to get them open and eat the candy before mommy took them away! That poor boy was so sugared up from candy and cookies I thought he would never come down!

Once we were done with G-Gma's house, we headed back north to visit with Immer's family. Ascher and Nathan showed off their Easter Eggs they died, and played with more toys. After all said and done, the boys had a fun filled weekend visiting, and they can't wait to do it again!


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