The Hernandez Family

Here's a wonderful site for our friends and family to see what's happening here in Round Lake! Hope you enjoy!

Growing Like a Weed!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Throwing Stones

Finally! Warm enjoyable weather! We've been patiently waiting for this! To celebrate, we hit the Forest Preserve!! It was really nice to take a walk as a family in the warmth of the sun! Ascher loved watching to gooses and running really fast! The whole reason we went to this particular place was so Ascher and daddy could throw rocks in the water. Ascher walked around throwing all sorts of rocks and sticks into the water watching them splash. Immer also tried skipping a few, but was more interested in throwing the big rocks and making a big splash. Great. A habit that will be brought home and used on cars and windows.

Cheap Thrills

I don't know about you, but I feel so much pressure when I get a gift card. I feel like I have to use it right away, or something will happen to it, or I will forget about it and will remember the day after it expires. That's why I hate coupons too! So, I went on a little gift card shopping spree at Kohls. It was fun, exhilarating, and I used only gift cards! Plus, EVERY item was shipped in it's own box, giving Ascher plenty of new toys!! He really loved the two larger boxes we received. He now likes to just sit in the boxes, put them together and make a delivery truck or train. He will sit and play with toys in the box. He also loves it when daddy pushes him around the kitchen like a boat or race car. I'm glad to see that he has an imagination!


Ah- the fun things you learn in school! I've tried to get Ascher to play with Play-Doh several times, but he would never touch it! I always ended up having to play with it (I know, poor me!), make weird shapes and try to entice him to touch it. It always ended with him running and screaming away from me because I touched him with it. But now, he is a fearless little man! I knows where we keep it, gets it out and starts playing! It's really fun to see him cutting and molding the dough. Unfortunately, I bought a great pack of accessories and colors, and he has seemed to have lost interest in it. Maybe he will come around again! If not, I'm sure I'll play with it!

Not listening

Lately....Ascher has been testing his limits. He's trying to see just exactly what he can get away with before being sent to time-out. So far, he has realized not much! It's funny to see what he will try to do! He tries to eat my lunch (really into salads, yeah!), change his socks, throw away toys he doesn't want, and has started hiding mommy's phone. This has just added a few more grey hairs...and a little more adventure in my life! I now have to check his pockets for rocks, food, toys and other random things that he might pick up and claim as his!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

My Birthday and Valentine's Day

Wow- we've had a crazy month for February! Immer has been so busy with his new start-up company (his old job has gone under :/ ), my birthday, Valentine's Day, 2 weeks of pink-eye, and I think the flu! Ascher was quite sick the week of my birthday, so I spent the entire day (well, week) cleaning up after him. Just trying to keep him hydrated and comfortable was quite a challenge. He was so sick that he couldn't go to school, and I couldn't work. Finally by Saturday he was feeling better. In fact, he was acting like a crazy person and Immer thought I was exagerating about his behavior during the week!

So of course, everyone is better.....then I come home with a fever and Pink-eye (which Ascher started from a friend at school)! I spent the weekend on the sofa. At least Ascher had a great weekend! I conviced Immer to take him grocery shopping. They came home with a free balloon, cheese samples, and Immer almost scored some digits!

He thought it was the coolest thing to go shopping with Ascher. Great! Grocery shopping is now your job! Have fun! I will be relaxing on the sofa!

Happy Birthday Nathan & Lito!

We had a really fun birthday weekend a few weeks ago! Nathan turned 3, and Immer's dad hit 70! So we had a great family meal at Maggiano's...then headed back to the house for cake and presents.
Well, Nathan COULD NOT wait another minute for his cake! So he decided to wait patiently by it until we got the hint (it worked). So we sang and enjoyed chocolate cake and pineapple upside-down cakes (Ascher helped).

Then we hit the gifts! Ascher enjoyed standing back and watching (partially because he wanted to play with the toys, and also because Nathan was a maniac with his boxes! That boy could easily get a job with UPS in a few months!). Overall, we had a great evening, and it was really great to get everyone together!

Picnic in the Kitchen

I think the weather is finally catching up with us! We are so desperate to just run around outside...that we started bringing Spring into the house! Lately Ascher's been making picnics while I cook dinner (boy, it helps having him distracted!). That way, when daddy comes home, he can share his creations!